

Our subdivision had its usual crackerjack fireworks display this 4th. Here are a few of my photos.

The second one even looks like a palmetto, the S.C. state tree!


  1. Er, the pictures appear to be missing...

  2. Trying to let you know how much the kids and I enjoyed your reading of Wind in the Willows! Thank you! We look forward to hearing you read many more classics! Blessings!

    Kristin in East TN

  3. Dear Mr. Smith,

    Apologies for leaving this message on your family web page rather than the Librivox forum, which I cant seem to master.

    I have just finished listening to your reading of 'Kidnapped', and would like to complement you for it.

    Being Scottish, when I my Librivox feed told me that the book was complete, I swithered about whether to download it or not. Most of the Librivox readers are, as you know, American and not known for being able to impersonate a Scottish accent and this book in particular had scope for being a seriously cringe-worthy experience! (don’t get me wrong, I am not really complaining - my US accent is pretty bad as well). However, once I started the first file and realised that you were the reader I knew we were in safe hands.

    Your recording is excellent, I don’t recall ever hearing an American pronounce 'Edinburgh' correctly before - I needn’t have worried with by far Librivox’s best reader on the job.

    Thank you on behalf of the doubtless many 'Mark Smith of Simpsonville South California' fans for this and your many other stories (The Mysterious Island is another personal favourite)

    Keep up the good work.

    Alex. Hamilton
