
Coming Now to an iPhone Near You!

It's been strangely gratifying to see LibriVox recordings I've made for sale on EBay (What? Hadn't you noticed that yet?) "Strangely" because all LibriVox audiobooks are free for download from www.archive.org. But if people want to burn those downloads onto CDs and offer them for sale, that is actually an activity we LV'ers encourage, since not everyone has the patience for what can be long downloads.

Add to EBay a new outlet: http://www.travelingclassics.com/
Traveling Classics is a new application for your iPhone or iPod Touch which reads a classic book to you while scrolling the text on the screen, synchronized to the narration. As an application available at the iTunes AppStore, Traveling Classics has to submit all its intended content to Apple for permission.

On its opening day, February 12, Traveling Classics launched with eight audiobooks, one of which was my "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." So now, for a limited time only, you can have me read to you for over seven hours for 99 cents!

Cool, huh? Not quite free... but the feeling that gives me: priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the random post, but I can't track down your email address.
    I'm researching an article for Gelfmagazine.com about the Kindle, which has new a new automated read aloud feature.
    As a reader of audiobooks, your insight would be much appreciated.

    If you're interested, please email me Benjamin_inquiry@me.com

    Many thanks,
