
Back From WBC

I'm not generally good with faces. But when I went to WBC, I saw many, many people I recognized from my last trip 3 years ago. Even remembered a few names! It seems that when you bump shoulders at a gaming table you get an impression of people that will stick with you. And after a week, the 1500 or so attendees have crossed your path so many times that even people you haven't met and played with seem comfortably familiar.

It's nice, too, being part of a recognized group. My group, The Greenville Mafia, is always prominent because we issue a group shirt yearly and a specific rotation is arranged. For long-time attendees, the shirts cover the whole rainbow. For us relative newcomers, we match the assigned daily color as nearly as possible with a polo shirt from our closets. When Mafiaites group together, the colors identify us nearly as well as the pocket logo.

This year, our dons decided to break the mold on solid colors. We went in for a Hawaiian shirt, modeled here by yours truly.

When we counted up how many of the Mafia planned to go to Lancaster, we discovered we had more than enough to field our traditional four teams - which we style as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (I'm a member of Pestilence, by the way!) So we commissioned a fifth team this year. It didn't take long to name the new one - what with Hawaiian shirts, it HAD to become the Parrotheads of the Apocalypse! To get us in the mood, we even had a Jimmy Buffett-themed party before leaving for the Con!

Well, WBC's over and we're all home. Time for tall-tale tellin' at our weekly gaming meetings!

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