
Mice on Main

Continuing on the theme of fun in Greenville...
A student from Christ Church Episcopal School conceived an idea for casting a series of metal mice and siting them in public-but-inconspicuous locations downtown. With inspiration from the children's book Goodnight Moon, he arranged the founding and installation of nine mice. Now, visitors to the city can pick up a hint sheet and go looking for these l'il guys while enjoying a walk down Main Street.
We finally made the hunt in October. It was a unique and entertaining hike, even if it was marred by realizing some of the mice had been stolen or damaged and that we were seeing replacements. (Also, one was temporarily resited while construction proceeded at his station.) Here's our proof:

Nearby Greenville

One of the delightful things about living near Greenville IS Greenville! Recently my sister Porter and her husband Chuck visited with us, and we made several forays downtown.

"Fall for Greenville" is a multi-night orgy of al fresco samplings from local restaurants, along with street entertainments like musical groups and improv troupes. The streets of downtown fill with merrymakers.

You can cool off in the fountains over near
The Lazy Goat.

You can stroll across the Liberty Bridge
and enjoy the view of the Reedy River Falls.

And you can stop by and enjoy
numerous sculptures. Here, Charles
Townes, Greenville native and
inventor of the laser, reveals his
secrets to us!